Ethical Hacking - Mobile Platforms and Network Architecture

         I. Details of the Event/Activity

     On June 2, 2024, I took an online course on Ethical Hacking, focusing on Mobile Platforms and Network Architecture, through the Great Learnings website, which offers a vast selection of free courses. This course was designed for security professionals, developers, and other stakeholders, aiming to provide a thorough understanding of ethical hacking principles, tools, and techniques related to mobile platforms and network infrastructure.


II. Reflections on the Webinar/Activity (Learnings)

     On June 2, 2024, I took a course on Ethical Hacking that explored numerous dimensions of mobile security as well as network design. The course was tailored towards information security experts and software programmers, and concentrated on vital areas like mobile operating system vulnerabilities, internet protocols for securing connections between networks, ways of carrying out penetration tests, and how to apply systematic hacks for good purposes. I learned about ensuring the safety of mobile apps, the weaknesses that these systems have within their networks, as well as ways an attacker might use them against it. There was a strong focus on hands on learning which included conducting security assessments, ethical hacking techniques to exploit system weaknesses and how best practices can be followed in establishing secure web applications. This event has widened my comprehension of computer security, emphasized a necessity for early security measures and reiterated the necessity for ongoing education in this fast changing area of ethical hacking. Currently, I am more capable of protecting against malware or other malicious threats towards cell phone networks as well as computing clusters.

III. Reflections on Practical Application of Learning

     I can directly use the knowledge gained from the Ethical Hacking course on future security projects. About how effectual use of tools and techniques in hacking can identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in mobile platforms and network architecture the course taught me.\n It as well improved my understanding of cybersecurity principles which in turn has given me useful expertise to utilize in my career. The performance of thorough security assessments, implementation of robust security measures and contribution to the security development of mobile applications and network systems has been enhanced.

IV. Positive Feedback on the Event Organization

     Great Learning has many free online courses available with good video tutorials and quizzes. They are especially useful for complete beginners to security or those who need to develop knowledge further. It is very engaging when doing "Ethical Hacking" because you know what each module entails and how the whole thing ends.

V. Suggestions for Future Improvements

     It would be helpful if Great Learnings could think about having certification for their free online courses, so that people may use it to beef up their CVs. It would also act as a pull-factor that could attract more students as well as professionals hence making it an asset towards their career developments.

VI. Photos

 VII. Certification




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