Elevating Your Skills: Mastering Express JS and MongoDB Foundations

I. Details of the event/activity As an Organizer, "Elevating Your Skills: Mastering Express JS and MongoDB Foundations" marked a crucial milestone in our event lineup. The session, scheduled for December 29, 2023, at 1:00 pm, aimed to equip participants with comprehensive insights into mastering Express JS and laying a solid foundation in MongoDB. We carefully curated this session to delve into fundamental concepts, practical applications, and the seamless integration of these technologies. John Harvey T. Agrabio, a 4th Year BSIT Student and also our team leader, served as the speaker for this session. His expertise in guiding attendees through the intricacies of these vital areas were truly appreciated. II. Reflections on the webinar/activity give rise to (learnings) As an organizer and participant, spearheading "Elevating Your Skills: Mastering Express JS and MongoDB Foundations" was a journey I looked forward to with anticipation...